
brain dump fire hose

monster of the week - the E.T.E.T.

This is a homebrew adventure for Monster Of The Week. I found the Keeper tools very intuitive after coming from designing tools for D&D5E and Lancer.

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deno (and fresh) is refreshing

Have you tried to set a Node Typescript project up from scratch recently?

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the zen of powerwash simulator

I find myself regularly treating video games as a “wind down” activity towards the end of my day. Theoretically, this would mean gaming is a relaxing experience that leads to me having a good nights sleep. I’ve found that the older I get the less this rings true for games I used to find relaxing. FPS, action, story-heavy RPG; these are my favorite genres. But nothing, not even Animal Crossing, can compare to the trance like sleep the Powerwash Simulator brings.

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searching for an xbox mmo

Hard to believe I put out a second blog post, I know. If I can continue to produce two random musings a year then I will consider this experiment an accomplishment.

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i am not a blogger

No really, I'm not.

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