i am not a blogger

By Eli Wilson at

No really, I'm not.

Nor do I claim to be! I don't spit facts, I spit what I happen to be thinking at the time. The world is big and my place in it is tiny but I do my damndest to make a difference.

If you're reading this I'm building the site still and I don't know how the hell you even stumbled upon it. Good for you! I'm impressed by your gumption. Me? I have been developing web applications for Livestock Nutrition Center.

You okay?

I love web development, but the reason I went to coding bootcamp was to eventually create my own games. I'll probably have some other sprinkling of web dev or mobile dev or whatever passing thoughts hit my thick skull.

My current goals are to make two or three games using Unity to list in a portfolio and link from github and itch to this site. I have done some Udemy and Unity Learn courses and am getting a feel for things.

Good luck to me for my available spare time shrinks every year

Happy 2021 (as happy as it can be given the pretty bleak outlook of many things)

Happy New Years