monster of the week - the E.T.E.T.

By Eli Wilson at

This is a homebrew adventure for Monster Of The Week. I found the Keeper tools very intuitive after coming from designing tools for D&D5E and Lancer.

I learned over the course of creating this that simple is most likely better when it comes to this type of game once gameplay starts. This really is more of an outline for an Arc if going by the book... but I spent enough time writing it and liked the idea enough that I thought it would be fun to share it. Enjoy!

Table of Contents

A. The Setting
B. The Locations
C. The Scoop
D. The Countdown
E. The Monster
F. The Minions
G. The Bystanders


Welcome to Old Memorial City, Metro District.

The ultra rich and homeless are juxtaposed on the streets. Clean, high end condos sit side by side to decaying warehouses where the unfortunate sleep and eat. Little to no urban greenery save for Livingston Greenes Gardens. There have been marches and protests for financial equality in support of Greene, the Populist mayoral candidate running against the current office. The election is just one day away. Can the Industrialists maintain their hold on Old Memorial City? Will the grassroots Populists turn the tide in the district? What darkness lurks behind the tension in the streets?

Your team has been contacted for help by Private Investigator Frank N. Stein. Citizens are going missing from their homes and on the streets with no witnesses to speak of. A young man was found dead in front of the television by a roommate coming off of a late night restaurant shift at the Mararevadercisepapolenkaneemee. The body has been drained of blood and has strange marking all over made up of a repeating pattern of two parallel rectangles above a half circle. We need to get to the bottom of this now.

Old Memorial City, Metro District Map

The Locations

The Capitol

Type: Hub
Description: Mayors office and site of election campaign speeches for all parties

Metro Power Plant

Type: Den and Hellgate and Fortress and Deathtrap
Description: Can only communicate with CEO from intercom system at front gate with guards unless given special permission or storming it

Steins Private Investigation Office

Type: HQ
Description: A noir detective classic office with little to no modern tech inside. Always portrayed in black and white.

Livingston Greene’s Garden

Type: Lab and Crossroads
Description: A hippie-urban green space with a yurt in which Livingston resides. Tiki torches line a sand path to the entrance. Only bikes in the parking lot. A natural branch ladder to the upper level/Populist office filled with hand carved rocking chairs and tapestries gives the place a treehouse-like vibe


Type: Maze and Crossroads
Description: Pronounced different almost every time. The local gigantic Italian restaurant where most of the Populists work in the district, a favorite of P.I. Steins. The building is the inside of a retired multi level department store and is a maze of similar looking booths and tables that one can easily get lost in without a host as guide. Finding your table, the bathroom, even the exit all may require assistance.

Highbolt Line Exclusive Spark Plextowers

Type: Lab and Hub
Description: Circa Highbolts tasteless estate for the wealthy. A towering glass structure filled with the highest class of society. Mostly young money and internet connected celebrities. Flames shoot off the top corners into the night sky around an infinity pool to remind everyone who is in charge.

Coalbust Factory Apartment Complex

Type: Hub
Description: Nonprofit housing run by Reed Pulse

Solar Square

Type: Maze and Deathtrap
Description: Expensive outdoor mall of brand new bars and clubs supported by Metro Power Plant money with spotlights and neon signs and loud music

The Dusty Tome

Type: Wilds
Description: A forgotten bookstore drowned by the lights and sound of Solar Square with texts referencing all sorts of demons and rituals

The Scoop

Summoned by the Mayor to maintain control over the city, the city will fall into totalitarian chaos if the Mayor and CEO is not determined to be the root of this evil. If the Metro Power Plant is not exposed; a new demon will be summoned again in the future by the CEO and Mayor. If the two villains go undetected, they will reward the hunters handsomely to try and hide their true plans for another attempt.

Possible solutions: A. Find and kill the ETET B. Save the Populist supporters and mayoral candidate C. Expose the Metro Power Plant CEO and Mayors plot to take over D. Causing the Mayor to lose the election or postpone it so he exposes his creature in desperation X. Whatever you can think of!

The Countdown


Arrive to find body of avid Populist supporter in ransacked apartment of Coalbust Factory Apartment Complex as an active yellow taped crime scene. He was found in front of television with grey skin, bloodless, outlet shaped marks all over body. Static coming from television but other electronics unplugged and in various states of damage. Picket signs and tshirt boxes and papers related to organizing events found around room. No sign or forced entry. A large black burn in and around the outlet where the TV is plugged in. Assisted by Frank Stein who can give rundown of all locations (except The Dusty Tome) and other Bystanders/Minions.


A final campaign speech rally given by Livingston Greene where he will be killed by the monster leaping from the microphone and then attacking Reed Pulse before fleeing.


The monster has regained its strength at Metro Power Plant and CEO Fulton Charge plots to overtake everything.


The ETET attacks Solar Square as a distraction before moving to the Capitol to assassinate Mayor Gauge Wire.


The district is in Chaos and CEO Fulton Charge, ETET, and Power Plant Workers take to the streets to impose martial law.

Midnight 2:

The city has fallen and the Hunters must flee, win, or die

The Monster

The E.T.E.T: Extra Terrestrial Alien Threat

An elemental demon that travel through electricity, interface with technology, and emerge from possessed devices to feed on human blood to grow and in size and power…

Type: Devourer
Resilience: 8. Gains +1 for every Grow move used.

  • Enter the Grid: Jump into objects connected to the grid (if plant is active) - 0 harm, Self
  • Feed: feed on blood or paralyzed victims with outlet shaped tongues - 3 harm, one target,
  • Overload: paralyze victims by wrapping up over them - 3 harm, one target, knocked down
  • Shriek: emit ear shattering frequencies - 2 harm, multi target, deafened (like a grenade does)
  • Grow: grow larger over time as it feeds - +1 resilience, Self, once per Feed move
  • Explode: act as an EMP on death sending a shockwave out knocking all power out in the district - 1 harm, multi target, on Death Weaknesses: Rubber, Earth, Magic
    Immunity: Metal
    Absorbs: Water, Blood, Electricity
    Behavior: Will kill increasingly important Populist supporters and Reed Pulse, then finally Livingston Greene if left unchecked. If discovered, will love to the power plant if it is still active. Last resort is the backup generator circuit at the Capitol where the Mayor will defend his summon to the death. Feeds and grows using its 3 outlet shaped tongues.

The Minions

Mayor Gauge Wire

Motivation: Paying off CEO Fulton Charge to ensure they maintain office
Type: Cultist
Resilience: 6

  • 911: Summons two Mayors Police Officers (0 harm, self)
  • Manipulate: Try and convince a hunter to empathize (0 harm, single target)

CEO Fulton Charge

Motivation: Working with Mayor but wants to overthrow city himself
Type: Right Hand
Resilience: 7
Armor: 1 (bulletproof vest under expensive, flashy blue suit)

  • Revolver: shoots rubber bullets from old timely revolver (2 harm, single target)
  • Force Lightning: bolts of lightning from hands (2 harm, area of effect target)
  • Summon: summons the ETET back in current state if not defeated, or back with 1 Resilience if defeated

Possessed plant workers/mayors officers with blue eyes

Type: Guardian or Brute
Resilience: 4

  • SMG: can shoot rubber bullets or shoot at far range (1 harm, single target)
  • Force Lightning: shoot lightning bolts from hands at medium range (2 harm, area of effect)

Power plant workers in grey jumpsuits with yellow hats / Mayors police officers

Type: Scouts
Resilience: 2 (or 1 if needed as they should be easy to dispatch)

  • Pistol: shoot rubber bullets (1 harm, single target)
  • Report: Use hand radio to report to boss (0 harm, self)

The Bystanders

Private Investigator Frank N. Stein

Type: Helper and Detective
Description: Brown trench coat, brown bucket hat with string under chin, cigar smoking, afraid of the paranormal
Motivation: Supports the Populist party and was alerted of the situation by Reed Pulse

Populist Livingston Greene

Type: Victim and Busybody
Description: Teva sandals, brown leather satchel with hippie tassels, tattoos of trees and flowers on left arm, shiny white teeth, honest and optimistic even to a fault
Motivation: Doesn’t want to die and wants to expose the Industrialist party if possible plus win the election to attempt to improve Metro District

Influencer Circa Highbolt

Type: Gossip and Skeptic
Description: Pink and purple hair and constantly streaming to followed on her phone or some sort of other device. Flamboyant gamer girl who is always selling some sort of product ad or rooms at the Plextower
Motivation: Determined to produce content that will make her the biggest streamer in the district and willing to sell out dirt secrets from either political party if she can make stories for her audience out of it

Activist Reed Pulse

Type: Victim and Witness
Description: Small nerdy man with big glasses who is always wearing a Populist shirt. Dedicated to solving inequality in Metro District and often goes on passionate and frustrated tangents about the state of things and won’t stop talking until interrupted and brought back to reality.
Motivation: Support the Populist Party and help the downtrodden